The Cocoaro Values

All of our chocolate and all of our business decisions are guided by principles of justice. Justice for people, for food, for the climate, and for the planet. This means that we want to make sure that all the ingredients in our chocolate are produced sustainably, organic and local, where possible and where the farmers and producers are fairly compensated and recognized for their work. We also want good chocolate to be accessible, so we don’t make the largest chocolate at the lowest price. We make smaller chocolate at a fair price. We believe that our path to a sustainable planet that still has the food of the gods (chocolate) will only be possible when we consume less, but more consciously. To this end, we make chocolate with the best flavour that will be satisfying to your mouth and to your soul.

The Cocoaro Story

Cocoaro Craft Chocolate began in Wells, BC and was created by independent entrepreneur, Margaret Inoue. The small town and supportive local food and business community in the Cariboo helped to incubate and grow Cocoaro from an idea to a business. In 2018, Cocoaro moved to the lower mainland of BC as a result of family priorities. We have found a welcome food community and hope to grow the success of the chocolate and continue to educate people on fine craft chocolate.

The business grew out of Margaret’s passion for food, flavour, social justice and, well, chocolate. It was the intersection where she felt she could make a difference through the business she developed. She is continually learning and working on her craft. The business and bars also reflect her Japanese heritage, including the gifting aspect of the culture. She hopes you not only enjoy them, but you also share them, which is why we make the bars beautiful on the outside and delicious on the inside.

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